100+ Viewers!

OMG! The time has come! I got 100+ viewers! Now, I only have 7300+ HC on gifthulk so it will take a while to get 10,000 to get the Fantage membership for the scavenger hunt. BUT I will show you guys the prizes! Also, this get’s you guys some time for getting gold if you […]

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I just want to say guys… thank you SO MUCH for 71 hits at the time of writing this! Once I hit 100, I’m gonna do a scavenger hunt at some point 🙂 BUT I need to figure out how long it will last, due to the fact I may need a few things + […]

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A Few Fantage Updates

Hey guys so Fantage added a few updates.. First, there’s phase 2 of the Valentine event. Play Q-blast  in the bakery theme for valentine gifts. There are limited items: The prices of everything: Hair: 7000 stars, 3500 gold. Accessory: 2000 stars, 1000 gold. Dress: 8000 stars, 4000 gold. Sandals: 3000 stars, 1500 gold. Board (both of them): […]

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